Worth Revisiting - Imagine God Embracing You While You Pray!

Thank you Allison Gingras (Reconciled To You) and Elizabeth Riordan ( Theology Is A Verb) for hosting Worth Revisiting . Be sure to stop by every Wednesday . You will enjoy your visits. I have decided to share this post: Imagine God Embracing You While You Pray! (Originally posted August 15, 2016) (Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) Nearly a year ago, I shared a brief article on prayer – a gift I received while on retreat at the Abbey of Genesee . That post was well-received. You can read it here. If you read that simple reflection, you will understand what a blessing it was for me to return to that special place a few weeks ago and to hear Father John Denburger, O.C.S.O. discuss prayer once again. Father did not disappoint. Underlying all prayer, he told us, is God’s decisive love for each of us. During the course of his presentation, this soft-spoken and insightful teacher drew a distinction between two types of prayer: main...