A Glimpse of St. Thomas Aquinas

[It has been four years since I originally shared this post. I thought it might be worthwhile to do so again on the memorial of this great Dominican saint and theologian.] Thomas Aquinas was born to a noble family in Aquino ( Italy ) in 1225. They objected to his entering the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) but he did so in 1244. At the age of nineteen, he went on to study under Saint Albert the Great. His life is succinctly but beautifully summarized in today’s “Supplement to the Liturgy of the Hours for the Order of Preachers”: “He devoted all his energy to the service of truth, eagerly searching it out, lovingly contemplating it, and imparting it to others through his writing, his teaching and his preaching. His life was marked by devotion to the Passion of the Lord, to the mystery of the Eucharist, and to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God.” Known as the Angelic Doctor, he is often described as one of the greate...