An Adoration Milestone To Treasure

[On November 15, 2015, we began our 15th year of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. It was my privilege to share a few words before the Holy Hour of Thanksgiving, Mercy and Healing began. I hope that something I said on that occasion may resonate with those who visit this blog.] Let us first give thanks to our Lord for the gift of His Eucharistic presence here among us and for our Chapel of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Now let’s pause for a few minutes and ponder these Truths: When Jesus walked among us, few hesitated to bring their sick and lame to Him for healing. They expected miracles. Jesus did not disappoint. That same Jesus remains with us – ready to heal us and those we love. We must have the same expectant faith that those who approached Jesus physically while He walked among them had - expecting a miracle. Let me briefly share a few examples of the miracles that have taken place here at St. Agatha’s: