Eucharistic Reflection - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacred Heart
"Once when
the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, my soul being absorbed in extraordinary
recollection, Jesus Christ, my Sweet Master, presented Himself to me. He was brilliant
with glory; His five Wounds shone like five suns. Flames darted forth from all
parts of His Sacred Humanity, but especially from His adorable breast, which
resembled a furnace and which opening, displayed to me His loving and amiable
Heart, the living source of these flames."
'This' He said: 'is much more painful to Me than all I suffered in My Passion. If men rendered Me some return of love, I should esteem little all I have done for them, and should wish, if it could be, to suffer it over again: but they meet My eager love with coldness and rebuffs. Do you, at least, said He in conclusion, console and rejoice Me, by supplying as much as you can for their ingratitude.'
(From Revelations of the Sacred Heart)