Monday Musings - The "New Evangelization" Must Begin With Us And In Our Homes

Monday Musings (If God used Balaam’s donkey to get that prophet’s attention, I guess he can use me to get yours. May these periodic Monday Musings generate fruitful discussion and faithful change.) The "New Evangelization" Must Begin With Us and In Our Homes This letter might be a good place for the conversation to begin or to start anew: For far too much time now, God has put it in my heart that I should write this letter. I kept putting it off - that has become my specialty. Not a good thing to do. Fortunately, our God is patient and persistent. Even I can eventually catch on and do what He asks! There is much that I have to share, but today I will be brief (maybe not quite as you would like) and to the point. Ready? I love you! I hope this is not startling news to any of you. But I may never have clearly told you why. It is simple - because God loved you enough to create you in His image and...