A Sampling of St. Teresa of Avila's Spiritual Wisdom
Today we remember St. Teresa of
One way of honoring this great
saint this day would to be spend a few minutes reading and meditating on the
great wisdom she has offered the Church and its members. The following gems,
which are among the 1200 quotations included in my book, Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct, should provide much nourishment
for fruitful meditation and reflection.
I am consoled to hear the clock
strike, for at the passing away of that hour of life it seems to me I am
drawing a little closer to the vision of God.
The Lord knows what he is doing better than [the soul] knows what it is desiring.
The person who knows God better does God’s work more easily.
Love increases in the measure the soul discovers how much this great God and
Lord deserves to be loved.
The smallest thing when done for the love of God is priceless.
Doing our own
will is usually what harms us.
Since He
doesn’t force our will, He takes what we give Him; but He doesn’t give Himself
completely until we give ourselves completely.
Look at these
wounds my daughter; your pains will never be as great as Mine.
Consider seriously how quickly people change, and how
little trust is to be had in them; and hold fast to God, Who does not change.
He always gives us more than we ask Him for.
His Majesty
knows best what is suitable for us; it is not for us to advise Him what to give
us for He can rightly reply that we know not what we ask.
The devil does a great deal to incapacitate us when
he sees a little fear.
To suppose that
He would admit to His close friendship pleasure-loving people who want to be
free from all trials is ridiculous.
Want more then this “baker’s
dozen” sampling? Consider reading Story of a Soul, The Interior Castle and The Way
of Perfection.