
Showing posts from September, 2011

Your Presence Makes A Difference

My wife, I and four strangers spent an hour outside the local Planned Parenthood center [this morning], witnessing to and praying for all those entering that building – staff and client alike. This was only the fourth time over the past two years that I participated in the Forty Days for Life prayer vigil in front of this place of deception and death. The majority of the cars entering the facility’s driveway while we were there sped up immediately when they saw the signs and leaflets we carried and the rosaries in our hands. Most avoided having any eye contact with us, perhaps in a last ditch effort to prevent their consciences from awakening them to the horror of what they were about to do. It was like we were lepers. We continued to pray. We sang softly and sometimes off key. We listened to God’s Word. We encouraged each other and prayed that these women, their escorts and the facility’s staff would know that we were there out of love for them and as instruments of a lovin...

Let's Help Father Mark!

I want to do my little part to help Father Mark realize his "wish that the Holy Father's words on September 23rd at the Marian sanctuary of Etzelsbach might reach every Catholic on earth."  Help the good Father! Pass this on!

Eucharistic Reflection

"My Redeemer, present in this Most Holy Sacrament, behold me near You: the only favor which I ask of You is fervor and perseverance in Your love. I thank You, O holy faith; for You teach and assure me that in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar, in that heavenly bread, bread does not exist; but that my Lord Jesus Christ is all there, and that He is there for love of me." St. Alphonsus Liquori

Great Way To Begin and End The Day

Lay Dominicans have a great love for the Eucharist and the Rosary. We begin our days with Morning Prayer and as often as we can on our knees at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Somewhere during the course of our daily journey, we offer a Rosary or two to our Blessed Mother. Our days end with Evening Prayer and/or Night Prayer and with this moving tribute to our Heavenly Queen. This prayerful rythm brings a sense of stability to our otherwise challenging and hectic lives. Why not try these practices on for size? Want to learn more about the Lay Dominicans? Take a look here .

Stop Imagining and Come Into His Presence!

Why spend time imagining what it will be like in heaven to be in God's Presence? He has never left us. He told us He would be with us to the end of time. He is and has been here with us all the while. Waiting for you and me to visit Him...But most of us don't. We leave Him locked in the tabernacles of our Churches, alone - hour after hour, day after day -   a prisoner of Love who rarely receives any visitors. We provide opportunities for people to visit Him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,   365 days a year but struggle to find sufficient numbers of believers to keep these holy places open. And yet we sing songs about imagining what it will be like to see Him in heaven. The time for imagining is over. Come, encounter the living Christ! Fall on your knees and adore Him! Spend time with Him!  Let Him transform you into His image and likeness! If you approach Him in faith now, you will no longer have to rely on your imagination as to wha...

Perspective Is Everything!

The truth of the matter is that when it comes to earthly goods, particularly money, most of us would side with the laborers first hired in today’s Gospel and be upset over the employer’s decision to pay those who worked the least the same as those who labored all day. It just doesn’t sound "fair" even though we would have received exactly what we had bargained for.   We can reach erroneous conclusions like this when we shift our focus from our relationship with God to His relationship with others. When we start comparing ourselves with others, we become jealous and can grow apart from God. Ironically, when we shift our focus to our eternal fate, we have a far different perspective. We fully expect to be the beneficiary of God’s mercy at the time of our personal Judgment, looking forward then to being treated like those last hired in today’s Gospel – receiving what we have not earned and did not deserve. Thank God that He is more merciful and generous than we!

Someone Has To Say It...

And Father Mark continues to say what must be said. How blessed I have been since discovering Father's blog. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than the Eucharist!

Are You In Need of Pruning?

One way of ending self-deception is to step back and look at what fruit has flowed from the manner in which you have lived your life. If there is little or no good fruit evident, you are not likely a good tree. In such a case, turn to the premier Pruner, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Allow Him to prune you of your self-centeredness and bad fruit (sin). Let Him fertilize your soul and heart with His unending fountain of graces. He is the only one Who can transform a bad tree into a good one. He is the only One who can transform us sinners into saints.

I Got To Thinking...

(Source: Wikimedia Commons) Do you know the difference between imperfect contrition and perfect contrition ? You should and you will if you read this .  Now this is a Forgotten Truth of immense eternal consequence which should be widely shared!

Eucharistic Reflection

Adore me always and in all places by a simple movement of your heart. Consider that wherever you are, I see you and know your heart's desire. Desire to adore me always, and know that I accept that desire of yours with great delight. Come to me as frequently as you can. Use every opportunity to come before me in the Sacrament of my Love. There is no need to calculate the length of time you give me in the course of a day. If your heart is always in a state of adoration, you will find your way to my tabernacle frequently and you will abide in my presence willingly and gratefully. Allow me to lead you and instruct you in the life of adoration to which I have called you.   The Holy Spirit will be your infallible guide and the teacher of your adoration. ( In Sinu Iesu , The Journal of a Priest)

Worth Passing On

How beautiful is the quest for the Truth ...How great is the gift to do so through the eyes of the Angelic Doctor and his Dominican family. Thanks to Father Phil . Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, not Communion Services. When we understand the Mass , we will flee from counterfeit forms of worship. Thanks to Deacon Keith Fournier for sharing this video and Archbishop Gomez for his insight on the graces that will flow from the revised Roman Missal. Now this is another truth long ignored but so vital to share. Thanks to Dr. Dominic Pedulla, MD for having the courage to speak it. How about sharing these truths with others?