Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 6, 2025
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
Patrick Stewart
“…the most
important thing about the duty of the moment is this: the duty of the moment is
where we meet Christ. He’s waiting for us in the duty of the moment, in His
will for us. Where am I supposed to be now? What am I supposed to
be doing now? That’s where Christ is. That’s where He is waiting
for me. Not in the chapel. Of course, He’s in the chapel, but if I’m supposed
to be chopping wood right now, he’s not in the chapel waiting for me. He’s at
the woodpile. If I’m supposed to be cleaning the dorm, that’s where He is
waiting for me. Where am I going to meet my Beloved? Wherever I am supposed to
be. It’s so simple. And so wonderful.”
(From the
July-August 2022 issue of Restoration, the monthly newspaper of
the Madonna House Apostolate (https://www.madonnahouse.org).
William of Saint Thierry,
“…You first loved us so
that we might love You, not because You needed our love but because we could not
be what You created us to be, except by loving You.”
(From The Office of
Readings for December 16, 2024)
Father Jose Gonzalez
“In our own lives, God is constantly
calling us to seek Him out and worship Him…How is He calling you? In what way
is He sending you a star to follow? Many times when God speaks, we ignore His
voice. We must learn from the Magi and diligently respond when He calls. We
must not hesitate and must seek to daily be attentive to the way God invites us
to a deeper trust, surrender and worship.
Reflect today, upon God’s
call in your life. Are you listening? Are you responding? Are you ready and
willing to abandon all else in life so as to swerve His Holy Will?"
Seek Him, wait on Him and respond.
(From the Daily Gospel
Reflection for January 5, 2025)