Monday Musings - To Be More Like You

“Lord, you know that I love You. But You also know that my love for You has not always been constant and unconditional.

I spend time each day in prayer but too often do so in a routine, haphazard, and inattentive manner - sometimes just to check “the prayer box off”. I rely too much on the words of others rather than those which have been birthed in my own heart.

You also know Lord that at times, I have acted in a manner inconsistent with my professed love for You and in ways that are inconsistent with what I profess to believe.

How many times Lord have you prompted me to do or not do something, to contact or assist someone – to love someone on Your behalf but I refused or failed to do so?

It is so easy Lord for me to mouth the words I Love You, but far more difficult to actually live out those words in my life. You loved me so much Lord that you died for me. No matter how many times I have sinned against You, You have always forgiven me when I sought your forgiveness in the confessional. Lord, I shudder when reflecting on how many times I could have gone to hell, but You withheld Your hand of justice and extended the arms of Your mercy.

Oh Lord, I've been reasonably faithful to a daily prayer routine for some time now, but many times that is all it is – routine. thoughtless and mechanical

“If you love Me,” You told St. Catherine of Siena, “you must love those who I have placed in your life, and treat them as you would treat Me.”

Teach me Lord how to truly love You and others, to treasure You and to be Christ-like at all times and under all circumstances. Take my words, Lord, and breathe life into them so that when people see me or hear me, they will actually see You and hear You.