Monday Musings - Don't Be Content Being Mediocre in Your Faith

[The following is an excerpt from Father Jose Gonzalez’s Catholic Daily Reflection for October 24, 2024. It is worth pondering.]



“When God says He came to set the world afire, He is referring to His desire to purify our souls. Within our souls there are many impurities that must be removed if we want to become one with God.

This purification involves a process of allowing God to bring our sins to the surface so that they are seen and can be removed. But this is only possible if we allow the blazing fire of God's purifying love to consume us!

Oftentimes…we are content with simply being mediocre in our faith journey. [But] God wants us to become so purified from our sin, that He is able to become one with us… God wants so much more from you. He wants to transform you and use you in ways beyond your imagination.”

So let me ask you: Will you let Him?

