
Showing posts from January, 2025

Book Review - One Hour for My Priest by Tina Jost

"When a respected friend and fellow author suggested I get a copy of Tina Jost’s book One Hour for My Priest , I followed her advice. When I received it, I skimmed through it to get a feel for it. It was not until I brought this gem of a book with me to Adoration that it became alive! I cannot recommend this book more highly.  Our priests are under attack. We can no longer be timid in our prayer support for them. Remember: No priests, No Eucharist, No Mass, No Sacraments. Join the battle to strengthen our priests and to save souls."

Eucharistic Reflection - The True Light

The Lay Dominicans of St. Joseph Province invite you to spend some time with our Eucharistic Lord. They pray that the reflection that follows (as well as the other 174 in their book, Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoratio n ) will draw you to Him and provide you with much to  ponder, meditate and contemplate.  "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Last night, Lord, on a dark and starless night, with no moon in evidence, a lone star was shining and breaking through the darkness. It had a brilliant radiance. The star was surrounded by the reaching branches of trees, which seemed so much like the distractions and the problems of our lives which try to tear us from our focus on the Light. The radiance of this star kept calling to me again and again, drawing my attention to the radiance. I was unable to tear my gaze away. Is this what the star of Bethlehem was like? Did it so penetrate and permea...

Eucharistic Reflection - God Is Thirsting for Our Love

God is love and He loves each of us more than anyone can. And what does He want from us? Love! When you love Him, you become like Him and you are united together as one! When you grow to love Jesus more, you will feel a very special and deep closeness with Him and a growing awareness of His presence in your midst. When a soul feels His love, it will be overflowing with love, peace and joy. It will be drunk on the love of God. Stay still with the Lord. Just as the baby falls asleep in his mother's arms, fall asleep in the presence of the Lord. Instead of gossiping, bring Jesus all your worries and concerns. Tell Him, instead of your friends! God is my best friend! He will never leave me or forsake me. He loves me unconditionally! In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, You Lord have left us a memorial of Your Passion. Help us, we beg You, to so reverence the Sacred Mysteries of Your Body and Blood that we may constantly feel within our lives the effects of Your redemption. You wh...

Monday Musings - First Things First


Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 16, 2024

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Father John Catoir   "The more you trust God, the happier you will be...The great spiritual masters tell us that the path to both happiness and holiness is found in fidelity to the duty of the present moment. If you take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. Be faithful to the duty of the present moment. Do it for the Lord, and be at peace."  (An excerpt from Uplifting Thoughts for Every Day ) St. Peter Julian Eymard   “What displeases God most on earth and in us is sin. You must give this truth your attentive consideration. The just and the saints themselves are not exempt from sin. And we, have we not at least venial sins on our conscience? The just and the saints themselves are not exempt from sin. Have we never had to weep for mortal sins?...

Eucharistic Reflection - Would A Stranger Know?

  "The Eucharist is alive. If a stranger who knew nothing about the Eucharist were to watch the way we receive, would he know this? When you and I approach the Eucharist, does it look like we believe we are about to take into our bodies the living person, Jesus Christ, true God and true man?  How many times, Lord, have I forgotten that the Eucharist is alive! As I wait in line to receive you each day, am I thinking about how much you want to unite yourself with me? Am I seeing your hands filled with the graces you want to give me? Am I filled with awe and gratitude that you love me so much as to actually want to come to me in this incredibly intimate way? Or am I distracted, busy with other thoughts, preoccupied with myself and my agendas for the day? How many times, Jesus, have I made you sad, mindlessly receiving you into my body, into my heart, with no love and no recognition of your love? How many times have I treated you as a dead object? T...

Monday Musings - Another Forgotten Truth - The Necessity to Study Divine Truths


Eucharistic Reflection - Unspeakable Love!


Monday Musings - We Need To Be Witnesses


Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 2, 2025

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.   Father Jose Gonzalez “Reflect upon the unique mission that God has given to you whatever he has called you to do with your life it is a calling given only to you do not run from it do not reluctantly accept it instead run to it with your whole being and allow God to do great things through you.” (From Catholic Daily Reflections -   October 20, 2024)   St. Teresa of Avila "We must beg God constantly in our prayers to uphold us by His hand; we should keep ever in our minds the truth that if He leaves us, most certainly we shall fall at once into the abyss, for we must never be so foolish as to trust in ourselves. After this I think the greatest safeguard is to be very careful and to watch how we advance in virtue; we must notice whether we are making progress or falling back in it, especially as regards the love of our neigh...