Monday Musings - In Thanksgiving for our Almighty, Loving and Merciful God!

On November 6th my wife was called out to emergency “grandma” duty – something she enjoys and relishes. I headed for daily Mass without her. This rarely occurs. We share that blessing together. On this day, she needed to lend a helping hand.

As I started to leave the house, I remembered to go back and get my rosary (which I seldom  leave home without). This day I was also “prompted” to pick up a bottle of holy water and return that to our vehicle.

When Lonnie had completed her duties as the world’s number one mema, she returned home. We left for our favorite convenience store for two coffees, intending to take our treasured beverages to our dining room table – something we do most days since our retirement so many years ago.

I was anxious to hear how “Mema” saved the day.

We did not make it home. Some soul decided to ignore a stop sign and totaled our car. Unfortunately, we seventy-six year old fossils were still in it.

My wife and I were in shock and pain but alert enough to immediately thank God that we were alive. You can bet my rosary was put to overtime use during the nine hours we painfully awaited treatment and cat-scan results in the emergency room at our local hospital.

Pictures are often worth more than a thousand words. Take a gander at these two.


Then join us in giving thanks to an Almighty and Loving God for this miracle of mercy and for those who prayerfully interceded on our behalf.