Eucharistic Reflection - Go Be with Him!
"You must spend time in the Presence of God!
When you go to church to spend time at Adoration, give your full attention to the Lord. Talk to Him just as if you were talking to a friend or relative. Know that He is there in front of you, waiting for you! All you need to do is to open your eyes and your hearts to God.
Even though God knows everything that is in your heart, He wants you to share those thoughts with Him. He is waiting for you to ask Him to help you, your loved ones and others in need. Only He knows what you and they need and what is best for the salvation of your soul and theirs. Be grateful that you can come into His Presence and be with Him.
Remember that everything we have is a gift from God. He may not always give us what we request, but God will always give us what we need. Should we not offer all the joys and tribulations of our lives to Him? Should we not worship and love Him as He asks? Should we not ask Him to change our hearts and teach us how to love? He suffered and died for our sake. Certainly, we can love and worship Him in return and visit Him.
writer of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 urges us to 'Pray without ceasing.' We should
pray for the salvation of all souls, especially for those who have never been
remembered in prayer. The more time we spend in the presence of God, the more
we will come to know Him. We should seek to do what He wants us to do—to conform ourselves to His Divine
when you enter church that the Holy Trinity is there! If we want to be pleasing
in God’s sight we must be humble, seek His forgiveness, go to confession, and
love and respect one another. Do not criticize others. Be thankful for
everything God sends you—the
good and the crosses He may ask you to carry. Visit Him frequently!"
Maria Cobb OP, St. Lous Bertrand Fraternity, Louisville, KY
(One of 175 reflections you will find in Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)