Eucharistic Reflection - Go To The Holy Table
"When you have had the happiness of receiving the good God [in Holy Communion], you feel, for some time, a joy and comfort in your heart. Pure souls are always in that state, this union is their strength and their happiness. Oh! how sweet is this life of union with the good God! It is heaven on earth. There are no more troubles, no longer any crosses! Without the Blessed Eucharist there would no longer be any happiness in this world, life would be unbearable. When we receive Holy Communion we receive our joy and all our good.
O, my children! the Blessed Victoire used to say why do you crawl along in the way salvation? Why have you so little courage to work to merit the great happiness of going to the Holy Table, and to eat there the Bread of Angels, which gives such strength to the weak. Oh! if you knew how this heavenly Bread sweetens the sorrows of life! Oh! If once you had tasted how kind and generous Jesus Christ is to those who receive Him in Holy Communion! . . . Go, my children, eat this Bread of the strong and you will return filled with joy and courage, you will desire more sufferings, pains and combats in order to please Jesus Christ.
When Our Lord comes to a pure soul, He is pleased. He fills it with joy and gladness. He bestows on it this generous love which makes it do and suffer all to please Him. If one could understand all the blessings contained in Holy Communion nothing else would content the heart of man. The miser would no longer run after his treasures, nor the ambitious after glory. Everyone would shake the dust of earth from their feet and would fly towards heaven."
(From The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure of Ars)