Eucharistic Reflection - Jesus Christ In The Tabernacles Is Our Friend

"If we really love the good God, we will find it a joy and happiness to spend some time near Him, to adore Him, and keep company with so good a friend. He is there in the tabernacle. What is He doing, this good Jesus, in the sacrament of His love? He is loving us. 

If you pass a church then, go in to salute Him. Would you pass the door of a friend without saying good-day? And Our Lord is a friend who has been so good to us. It would be a very ungrateful person who would not visit Him. 

Come to adore Him because He is your divine friend, your Creator, and your sovereign Master? You owe Him the homage of your whole being. Bow down before Him and praise Him.

Come to keep Him company in the solitude in which the Christians leave Him. 

Come, my soul, redouble your fervor. You are alone to adore your God. His eyes regard you alone.

Come to His feet to thank Him, and then recall the benefits of redemption; the adoption of sons; the right to eternal life; so many pardons; so many Communions received, each of which brought you an increase of the supernatural life. 

Come to show your love to Him. He will say to you: “My child, give Me your heart.” Oh! open it then, dilate it, and give Him love for love!"

(The Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure of Ars)