Monday Musings – Measuring Authentic Success of Our Eucharistic Revival Efforts

(Photo©Father Lawrence Lew, O.P. - Used With Permission)

I appreciate the ongoing efforts of the U.S. Bishops to reawaken and foster greater belief in our Lord’s Real and Substantial Presence here with and within us. The number of Eucharistic processions and Holy Hours with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament that have taken place throughout this nation have been heartening. The excellent homilies, posts, videos and testimonies of lay Catholics that our bishops have shared on social media are inspiring. I have no doubt that countless souls have been touched by these efforts. 

We pray that the bishops’ efforts (as well as our own and those of our individual parishes) are reaching not just the choir but the millions of non-believing Catholics and former Catholics who inhabit this great nation.

How are we going to assess the success of the U.S. Bishops’ efforts as well as our own individual and parish endeavors?

Simply and radically!

If we actually believe that God is really, truly and substantially present in the consecrated Hosts in our tabernacles and in those placed on our tongues, we will flock to our Churches to be with the God who loves us and lives among and with us. We would recognize that we are on holy ground. We would eat of His Body and drink of His Blood frequently. Our Churches would be filled with reverent silence. They would never be empty and never be locked.

If we really believe God is there waiting for our visit, nothing would keep us away! Nothing! We would spend some time with Him every day! That's what lovers do!

Pray God that we witness such authentic belief!