Eucharistic Reflection - The Unworthy Reception of Holy Communion
[If you have not read (and completed) Father Donald H. Calloway's 30 Day Eucharistic Revival - A Retreat with St. Peter Julian Eymard - go get a copy now and begin! Father courageously writes the Truth - Truth that too many others have been unwilling or afraid to speak - Truths upon which authentic and lasting Eucharistic Revival must rest.
Read this excerpt and you will understand:
“…God’s goodness should
not be taken advantage of or abused. In our times, some in leadership positions,
warn people not to ‘weaponize the Eucharist’ and offer very confusing messages
by seemingly encouraging everyone to receive Holy Communion, regardless of the
state of their soul. For example, people living in unnatural relationships,
those committing intrinsically disordered actions, and those who are in
adulterous relationships are encouraged to receive Holy Communion. This is
wrong. Such thinking is very dangerous and destructive to souls and their
ultimate well-being. We must never forget what Saint Paul told the early
Christians in Corinth about sacrilegious reception of the Holy Eucharist see 1
Corinthians 11:26-30). Our Retreat Master [Saint Peter Julian Eymard] makes a
very strong point on this matter: ‘Sinners who receive Him unworthily crucify Him
in their soul and unite themselves to a demon, who are their own sovereign
Without a doubt, the
Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect. Every devout Catholic understands
that. Every pious follower of Jesus also knows that the Eucharist is
nourishment for the weak and a powerful medicine for the soul, but they also
know that Holy Communion is not food to be given to those in mortal sin. Unworthy
reception of Holy Communion does no good to a person who receives it in a state
of mortal sin. In fact, it does the opposite. Unworthy reception of the
Eucharist greatly harms the soul and their relationship with God and the Church.
Unworthy reception of Holy Communion does not heal a person but rather
compounds sin leading to confusion and scandal. That is not what God wants, and
people should not take advantage of God's goodness in such a manner.
God's goodness is meant
to be respected and treasured, not abused and insulted. This is why God's
goodness provides us with the ability to go to Confession. Repentance through the
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is the medicine applied first for the
soul in mortal sin, not Holy Communion. God's goodness in the Eucharist wants to be
consumed, but in the proper order and manner. Good medicine applied to the
wrong wound does no good. Confession reconciles those in mortal sin to God and
puts them back in the state of grace so that they can partake of the goodness
of God in the Eucharist. It doesn't work the other way around.”
(From 30 Day Eucharistic
Revival – A Retreat with Saint Peter Julian Eymard by Father Donald H. Calloway,