Pondering Tidbits of Truth - May 30, 2024

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

St. Catherine of Genoa  

"The greatest suffering of the souls in purgatory, it seems to me, is the awareness that something in them displeases God, that they have deliberately gone against His great goodness. I can also see that the divine essence is so pure and light-filled—much more than we can imagine—that the soul that has but the slightest imperfection would rather throw itself into a thousand hells than appear thus before the divine presence."  

(From Treatise on Purgatory)


Dr. Kathleen Cuddihy, O.P.

“Our Lord is here in all His Divinity and Humility in the Holy Eucharist, waiting for us to come.  To come, to spend time with Him in Adoration, to receive Him into our bodies during Mass, to unite with Him.  Our ever loving, merciful Father is present with us, we can look upon Him, speak to Him.  God our Father is waiting to hear our joys and sorrows, triumphs and failings.  Waiting.  Waiting for our attention in the busyness of life, to pause, to worship, to adore, to praise our merciful God who loves us, provides for us and bestows abundant graces upon us so that we have eternal life with Him.  Can we pause?  Can we listen for the voice of God in the quietness?  Can we give the gift of our attention to God? He is waiting.” 

(From Godhead Here in Hiding  Whom I Do Adore – Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration


Father Donald Haggerty

"The idea that contemplation could be at one’s personal disposal and available on demand is an obvious misconception. The only proper expectation is that the soul’s yearning to love God has come from God and cannot be fruitless."


(From The Contemplative Hunger)