Monday Musings - Open Your Heart to God
"To a crowd surrounding
Segatashya [purported visionary to whom our Lady of Kibeho spoke] asking for a
miracle from Jesus, Segatashya replies, 'our Lord says to stop asking for
miracles… because your lives are miracles. A true miracle is a child
in the womb; a mother’s love is a miracle; a forgiving heart
is a miracle. Your lives are filled with miracles, but you’re too distracted by
material things to see them. Jesus tells you to open your ears to hear his
messages and open your hearts to receive his love. Too many people have
lost their way and walk the easy road that leads away from God. Jesus says
to pray to his mother, and the Blessed Virgin Mary will lead you to
God Almighty. The Lord has come to you with messages of love and the promise of
eternal happiness, yet you ask for miracles instead. Stop looking to the sky
for miracles. Open your heart to God; true miracles occur in the heart'.”
(Excerpted from the February 26, 2024 gospel reflection on Missio Dei, entitled Open Your Heart to God by Lexis Challen)