Eucharistic Reflection - You Wait for Me
What follows is just one of 175 Eucharistic Reflections intended to draw you closer to our Eucharistic Lord.
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Here You are, quietly waiting…waiting for me to come and spend some time with You.
I could have chosen not to come…You give me the freedom to
say no. A thousand and one excuses could have kept me away. Even so, You would
have waited patiently for me.
Why do You wait? You wait only for me to give back to You a
few minutes of the precious time that You have given me as a gift…time I often
fill with mindless activity or useless worry.
Of what value is my time to You? You created the universe
and hold everything in existence. You created me. You know me through and
through—better even than I know myself. You know my every thought. And still,
You wait for me in silence.
I come. Do I realize the privilege of being alone with You
in this quiet place? Or am I distracted, thinking of the many other things I
could be doing? Again, you wait, while I settle myself and still my soul in
your presence.
I kneel to pray. Rote prayers first: a prayer of
reparation, acts of faith, hope, and love, a litany to your Sacred Heart. I
read a gospel passage. I close my eyes to meditate. My unruly mind wanders. I
focus on my breathing, telling myself I am in the Presence of God. I struggle
to believe this immense reality.
I open my eyes and gaze at You in the monstrance. I long
for a sign, a feeling, a response from You, that I may know that You are truly
You wait for me…wait for me to quiet my mind, to let go of
the endless distractions, to stop thinking only of myself.
The moments slip by. The world fades away. I gaze at You,
and You gaze at me. I sense Your love.
You are here in this quiet chapel. You are waiting for me.
Mrs. Angela Martin, OP, from Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)