Eucharistic Reflection - A Prayer at Eucharistic Adoration

“I adore you, O Christ, and I praise you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”


I come before you, Lord, in adoration, kneeling before Your Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

I bow before Your Body and Blood broken and poured out on the cross. The image of the Annunciation embossed on the golden door of the tabernacle fills my mind with wonder and gratitude for the gift of Your incarnation.

You are here. I am here.

You are God. I am not.

You are the creator. I am your creature.

You are life. I am alive.

You are the Redeemer. I am redeemed.

You are the Savior. I am saved.

You are mercy. I am forgiven.

You are love. I am loved.

You are Lord. I am Your unworthy servant.

You are the way. I am a pilgrim.

You are the truth. I believe.

You are the life. I live in You.

You are the master. I am your disciple.

You are the Bread come down from heaven. I receive You.

You are God made man. I share in Your divine life.

In humbling Yourself to become man, in Your death on the cross, in Your gift of the Holy Eucharist, You are the embodiment of self-giving love.

Lord, teach me to love. 

(Mr. Bart Pollock, OP, from Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)