Eucharistic Reflection - A Prayer at Eucharistic Adoration
“I adore you, O Christ, and I praise you because by your
holy cross you have redeemed the world.”
I come before you, Lord, in adoration, kneeling before Your Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
You are here. I am here.
You are God. I am not.
You are the creator. I am your creature.
You are life. I am alive.
You are the Redeemer. I am redeemed.
You are the Savior. I am saved.
You are mercy. I am forgiven.
You are love. I am loved.
You are Lord. I am Your unworthy servant.
You are the way. I am a pilgrim.
You are the truth. I believe.
You are the life. I live in You.
You are the master. I am your disciple.
You are the Bread come down from heaven. I receive You.
You are God made man. I share in Your divine life.
In humbling Yourself to become man, in Your death on the
cross, in Your gift of the Holy Eucharist, You are the embodiment of
self-giving love.
Lord, teach me to love.
(Mr. Bart Pollock, OP, from Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)