
Showing posts from March, 2024

Eucharistic Reflection - Why Did You Come Down To This Dirty, Miserable Earth?

Pick up a copy of Pondering Tidbits of Truth, Volume 6     and listen for God's still voice. He will use the words in this volume to reignite the flame of faith in your heart and draw you closer to Him.

Monday Musings - Eucharistic Revival - Missing Our Eucharistic Lord?

Stirring Slumbering Souls predated our Bishops' plea to rediscover belief in the Real Presence. This book received a Seal of Approval from the Catholic Writer's Guild. It provides fuel to set your heart ablaze and reignite your love for our ever-present Eucharistic Lord. Look at what others have had to say about this remarkable and timely book - Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections  This book accomplished what author Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and reflections on the Eucharist--our source and summit and surest Love. I can't wait to get to Adoration!...“Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gem with me. I feel like every single Catholic should read it and have a copy and then share it with someone who isn’t and then we would be all set in...

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 21, 2024

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Jesus to Saint Catherine of Siena “I require that you should love  Me with the same love with which I love you. This indeed you cannot do, because I love you without being loved. All the love you have for Me you owe to Me, so that it is not of grace that you love Me, but because you ought to do so, while I love you of grace, and not because I owe you My love. Therefore to Me, in person, you cannot repay the love which I require of you, and I have placed you in the midst of your fellows, that you may do to them that which you cannot do to Me,  that is to say, that you may love your neighbor of free grace, without expecting any return from him, and what you do to him, I count as done to Me, which My Truth showed forth when He said to Paul, My persecutor - 'Saul, Saul why persecute you Me?' This He said, judging that Paul persecuted Him in His...

Eucharistic Reflection - The Cause of Sweetness

"The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a source of so much sweetness because we have in the tabernacle, the same God who is the source of happiness for the elect in heaven. The Eucharist becomes thus an earthly paradise. One asked a saint if it were hard for him to remain so long in the church. 'Ah!' he answered, 'I would spend an eternity there!' He was right. Our Lord is in heaven; He is also in His tabernacle. What a joy! The saints in heaven are they weary of contemplating, adoring and praising Jesus Christ or of remaining in His presence? We ought to experience a happiness like theirs near the tabernacle where the same God dwells. " (From the Eucharistic Meditations of the Cure of Ars )

Monday Musings - Talk to Him As A Friend to a Friend

  Jesus to St. M. Faustina Kowalska ; “Poor soul, I see that you suffer much and that you do not have even the strength to converse with me. So I will speak to you. Even though your sufferings were very great, do not lose heart or give in to despondency. But tell Me, my child, who has dared to wound your heart? Tell Me about everything, be sincere in dealing with Me, reveal all the wounds of your heart. I will heal them and your suffering will become a source of your sanctification… My child do not be discouraged. I know your boundless trust in Me; I know that you are aware of My goodness and mercy. Let us talk in detail about everything that weighs so heavily upon your heart… Talk to me simply, as a friend to a friend. Tell Me now, my child, what hinders you from advancing in holiness?… My child make the resolution never to rely on people. Entrust yourself completely to My will saying ‘Not as I want, but according to Your Will, O God, let it be done unto me.’  These wor...

Eucharistic Reflection - To Have The Right Intention

"There are some people who go to Holy Communion to gain the esteem of the world. It avails them nothing. Others go out of habit. Poor Communions, they have not the right intention.  Go to Communion to obey Jesus Christ, who has commanded you to do so, under pain of not having eternal life. Go to Communion to obtain the graces that you need, humility, patience, purity. Go to the Holy Table to unite yourself to Jesus Christ so that He will make of you other Christ’s, which happens to those who receive Him worthily. When you go to Holy Communion you should always have an intention, and say when about to receive the Body of Our Lord: 'O my good Father, who art in heaven, I offer you, at this moment, your dear Son, such as He was when He was taken down from the Cross, and laid in the arms of the Holy Virgin, and as she offered Him to You in sacrifice for us. I offer Him to You by the hands of Mary, to obtain such or such graces, faith, charity, humility.'  My children, listen w...

Monday Musings - Some Soul Searching

  (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Some time ago, a friend asked me a difficult question. I am a coward and often avoid responding directly to challenging inquiries. That's not always a good idea. Listen here and you will see what I mean.

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 7, 2024

Pondering Tidbits of Truth i s my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. St. Catherine of Siena "The wound in the side of Christ, the Precious Blood and the Pierced Heart were a constant preoccupation of St. Catherine of Siena. In a beautiful passage in one of her letters, she summarizes the inner meaning of these devotions: 'Place your lips to the side of the Son of God, for it is an opening which emits the fires of charity and pours forth its Blood to wash us from our iniquities. The soul which reposes there and looks with eyes of its soul on the Heart opened and consumed by love will be made comformable to Him, for seeing itself so much loved it cannot fail to love in return. That soul becomes perfect because what it loves it loves for God and it loves  nothing outside of Him. In desire it becomes to Him another self, since is has no other will but that of God'. " (From Dominican Spirituality - Prin...

Eucharistic Reflection - Come To The Throne of Mercy!

Jesus to St. Faustina: "My child do you fear the God of mercy? My holiness does not prevent Me from being merciful. Behold, for you I have established a throne of mercy on earth - the tabernacle - and from this throne I desire to enter into your heart. I am not surrounded by a retinue or guards. You can come to Me at any moment, at any time; I want to speak to you and desire to grant you grace." (From Divine Mercy In My Soul - Diary of St. M. Faustina Kowalska )

Monday Musings - There Is Still Room
