Eucharistic Reflection - He Is Waiting
"Our Lord is here in all His Divinity and Humility in the Holy
Eucharist, waiting for us to come. To come, to spend time
with Him in Adoration, to receive Him into our bodies during
Mass, to unite with Him. Our ever loving, merciful Father is
present with us, we can look upon Him, speak to Him. God
our Father is waiting to hear our joys and sorrows, triumphs
and failings. Waiting. Waiting for our attention in the
busyness of life, to pause, to worship, to adore, to praise our
merciful God who loves us, provides for us and bestows
abundant graces upon us so that we have eternal life with
Him. Can we pause? Can we listen for the voice of God in
the quietness? Can we give the gift of our attention to God?
He is waiting."
(Dr. Kathleen Cuddihy, OP, from Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore - Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration)