
Showing posts from November, 2023

Eucharistic Reflection - The Goal of God's Love Is My Heart

( Photo by  Josh Applegate  on  Unsplash "When Jesus remains in the quiet of the altar, in the tabernacle’s shadow, people in their blind carelessness, let Him alone, they forget all about Him. And when He exposes Himself upon the altar, He is hurt to the Heart by the irreverence of so many who either have no faith at all or a faith that is very weak. When He goes through the streets in order to bring unspeakable blessings to His beloved children, He hears curses and blasphemies that make out of His errand of mercy another way of the cross.  But in the midst of all these bitternesses, one hope sustains Him – the hope of a place of refuge that will offer the love and peace He craves. The bitter chalice which others continually place to His lips He drinks with resignation; for He is sustained by the hope of a loving reception in my heart by way of reparation. One holy hour spent in the enjoyment of my love, and He forgets years and years of suffering… Altar and taberna...

Monday Musings- Knowing God


Eucharistic Reflection - Pour Out Your Ardent Yearnings

"In the course of the day, when you can do nothing else, call Jesus, even in the middle of your tasks...Fly with your spirit to the tabernacle, when you cannot do so with your body, and pour out your ardent yearnings, speak and pray and embrace the Delight of souls, and even better if you can receive it Sacramentally".  (Saint Pio of Pietrelcina) (An excerpt form Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections )

Monday Musings - Work Hard For The Kingdom of God


Eucharistic Revival - Missing Our Eucharistic Lord? Look At What Has Been Said About Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections

  This book accomplished what author Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and reflections on the Eucharist--our source and summit and surest Love. I can't wait to get to Adoration!...“Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gem with me. I feel like every single Catholic should read it and have a copy and then share it with someone who isn’t and then we would be all set in this world. Such richness here and it stirs up so much in the soul. Anne Costa   Stirring Slumbering Souls is an eloquent treasury of Eucharistic reflections which you will enjoy reading over and over again. I read the reflections during Eucharistic adoration and just before bedtime. They were comforting, peaceful, insightful, and gave me a new appreciation and love for the Eucharist. I high...

Worth Resharing - The Consequence of Doctrinal Confusion

The following words were written in the fifth century and need to be heeded once again. Will we listen? Is it too late? (Image Source:  Wikimedia Common s)   "In these times of doctrinal confusion, we must take particular precautions not to give way in the content of our faith, not even in the slightest degree, for  if one yields ground on any single point of Catholic doctrine, one will later have to yield to another, and again in another, and so on until such surrenders come to be something normal and acceptable. And, when one gets to rejecting dogma bit by bit the final, the result will be the repudiation of it altogether ." (Saint Vincent of Lerins from  Narrations ,  23, from In Conversation With God, Volume 1:6.2)

Eucharistic Reflection - Keep Up Your Daily Communion

  ‘Going to Communion every day for so many years! Anybody else would be a saint by now’, you told me, ‘and I … I’m always the same!’ ‘Son,’ I replied, ‘keep up your daily Communion, and think: what would I be if I had not gone?'  (St. Josemaría Escrivá, The Way, 534)

Monday Musings - Two Things To Ask For


Eucharistic Reflection - We Would Not Be So Bold!

  (Photo©Lawrence Lew, O.P. Used With Permission) "Oh! If we could see the posture of the angels and the saints before the adorable Eucharist, we would not be so bold as to enter without fear, without respect, without amazement. Mother Mectilde of the Blessed Sacrament