What are People Saying about Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore – Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration?

From a fellow Lay Dominican of the St. Joseph Province - an early example of how this book is already bearing fruit in the lives of readers:

“A dear friend had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was in high school with my husband, and at times, has been lukewarm in his practice of the Faith. I had bumped into him a short time ago and talked about the Church being a family and coming back home. The Lord laid it on my heart to send him a copy of the book. He told me that he was going to read it while he was having chemo. Here is his complete response after starting to read the book.”

“I am impressed and moved by your ability to express the Light of God in a way that opens a reader’s heart. Each of the sections allowed me to better understand the reality of the love Jesus has for each of us, even when we have become distracted by other bright lights and shiny objects.

Sometimes it is good to be reminded that being Catholic and Christian requires more than lip service. The calm represented through your writing I found extremely comforting as the chemo streams through my veins like the love of God through my heart.

I will read through the other selections and share this with my friend. Thank you again for this gift of comfort and love.

Have you given your Pastor, family member or friend of copy of this book yet? What are you waiting for? It is now available on Kindle as well.