Book Review - Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore – Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration

 It is More Than a Book – It is an Invitation to Adore Our Loving Lord Present Here Among Us!

Father Ignatius John Schweitzer, O.P gave birth to
Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore – Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration last year when he invited the Lay Dominicans of the Province of St. Joseph to share their thoughts on the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration. He did this not knowing how many would respond or in what genre they would write.

As a result of Father’s invitation, we now have a symphony of diverse reflections – from the simple to the sublime. Each reflection is a gem in its own right. Each one an invitation to a greater belief in, and reverence for, God’s Presence among us. As Father Ignatius states in his Introduction to the book:

“The Lay Dominicans in this book have discovered the secret! They have discovered the all-surpassing treasure and value and meaning we have in our Eucharistic Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Adoration. Their deep yearnings have kept them coming back to the Eucharist to touch the human heart’s ultimate fulfillment, God, and then going out to the world with something to share. Contemporaries of our holy father St. Dominic repeatedly said that he was “always speaking either with God or about God.” In this spirit, these Lay Dominicans have discovered the secret and discovered that it is a secret that is meant to be shared. The Eucharist is a gift to be shared! And they do that beautifully in the pages that follow.”

Before I continue, let me make this full disclosure: I am one of those Lay Dominicans. I have been working to promote Eucharistic Adoration for more than two decades. I have been very much involved in the compilation and editing of this book, and also in contributing a number of reflections.

I understand why you would question my objectivity. Fair enough. So, I am setting forth below a sampling of the pre-publication endorsements others have written. You will find them in the book’s interior and on its back cover. Please use the “Look-Inside” feature on Amazon to read all of them:


“The hymn whose first line forms the title of this book was written in Latin by Thomas Aquinas. Another line in this hymn addressed to Christ in the Eucharist asks Jesus to ‘feed and feast the mind.’ This little book contains anecdotes and experiences for doing just that. It is by the laity and though theologically accurate is not top-heavy with academic theology more suited to the classroom. Such a source has not been really attempted before and so is very welcome. The result should be for the person making the Holy Hour to be “lost, all lost in wonder, at the God thou art.” - (Father Brian Mullady, OP, STL Mission Preacher Holy Rosary Parish, Portland OR.


“The treasures of our Faith, our God and our life as Catholics are found in the Eucharist because the Eucharist itself contains the fullness of Jesus who loves us, died for us and calls us to share His life. During this time of Eucharistic Revival, the Dominican Laity and members of our Dominican family share reflections to encourage you to join us in Eucharistic Adoration. Let us pray together for the conversion and salvation of souls. Don’t miss this opportunity!” – Mrs. Kathleen Kendrek, OP, Provincial President of the Lay Dominicans of St. Joseph Province.


“Hidden within these pages, the reader discovers the God who has chosen to dwell within the Tabernacle of the human heart. Each reflection is its own monstrance, bearing the shape of its unique human author, while manifesting our heavenly Father's Spirit of Truth. Here you will find thoughts and events that are ordinary and surprising, instructive and lyrical, worthy of both cross and crown. The common life of the early Dominicans was called ‘the holy preaching.’ The sons and daughters of St. Dominic who have contributed to this volume continue in that apostolic witness to the divine mercy of our Eucharistic faith.”  - Father Bruno M. Shah, OP Assistant Professor at Providence College, and Religious Assistant to Our Lady of Divine Providence/St. Thomas Aquinas Fraternity in Providence, RI


The Lay Dominicans of the Province of St. Joseph want the world to take notice of this simple book–prepared by simple people–not to bring attention to themselves–but for the Glory of God. They ask Him to use the fruit of their contemplation to instill an unswerving belief that Jesus is really, truly and substantially present in the Eucharist, especially in those who either doubt, never believed or no longer believe this Truth.

Father Ignatius has reminded all those who read this book that there is much more for us to do than merely buying a copy and reading it. We have to share it with others. We have to invite them to Eucharistic Adoration. We have to be bold and share this fundamental Truth of our Catholic Faith.

Don’t waste any time. Go buy copies of Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore – Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration for yourself, your family and loved ones. Invite them to spend time with you in the Presence of God who patiently awaits your arrival.