Eucharistic Reflection - Imagine His Gaze
“…whenever we pray it is
good to begin by calling to mind the presence of God and how God looks at us.
Try and imagine His gaze, His face. Spoiler alert: His gaze is always and only
one of love. It is possible that His gaze of love will cause us pain if we are
stuck in sin, or if we are conscious of any of our many betrayals. However,
this feeling says more about us than about God. His gaze is one of love. His
gaze can be one of purifying love if we allow it to be (cf. Luke 22: 61).
Perhaps His gaze prompts us to go to confession so that we can hear the voice
that accompanies that look of love: ‘I absolve you from your sins.’
We can also see the gaze
of love and be comforted. Looking at our Eucharistic Lord and imagining His
gaze should console us. What we see explicitly is the gift of Himself to us.
The gift that reveals what love is. “Greater love has no man than this that a
man lay down his life for his friends’ (John 15:15) I lay down my life... no
one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord (John 10:17-18). “Take
eat... this is my body which is given for you’ (Matthew 26:27; Luke 22:19).
Father Justin Kizewski from Face to Face and Eye to Eye: A Reflection on Eucharistic Adoration, Adoremus Bulletin, January 2023 issue