A Different Kind of Eucharistic Reflection
I love the melody of the Eucharistic Prayer when Father chants it at Mass. On the way to Church last Thursday, I chanted that melody aloud but used words that came to mind and not those in the prayer. I sang from the moment I pulled out of my driveway until I arrived. I praised and worshiped God. It was a blessed time.
I thanked Him for such an undeserved gift and prayed that I might appreciate Holy Communion more today than I have ever had in the past.
As has been my practice as of late, as I approached the altar, I recited the words of a prayer one of my Lay Dominican sisters had shared with me: “MY GOD! If I am to die today, or suddenly at any time, I wish to receive this Communion as my Viaticum..."
After receiving the Sacred Body and Blood, I returned to my pew, thanking God for this most magnificent Gift. I stayed a few minutes after Mass to continue my prayer of gratitude.
I left Church, got into my car, and began the short drive home.
I had driven about a mile, when, without warning, a car raced out of a grocery store parking lot like a torpedo headed directly at me. There was no way we could avoid crashing into each other. I did not even have time to look in the side or rear-view mirrors or to slam on the brakes.
It was like watching a video in slow-motion. I stared blankly toward the other driver. I prayed and awaited the inevitable and inescapable impact.
There was no way in this physical realm in which we live to avoid a collision under these circumstances. None. And yet…
How can I describe the indescribable?
By Divine intervention, grace and mercy there was no collision. I cannot tell you what happened. Somehow, known only to God and our guardian angels, there was no collision. No one was injured. Neither car was damaged.
I immediately thanked God!
Our loving Lord chose to make today’s Holy Communion a memorable one as I had asked, by sparing me and the other driver from serious injury or death.
No one is worthy of such grace…