Pondering Tidbits of Truth - October 13, 2022

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time




Alexander de Rouville

"The Holy Spirit does not tell everyone: 'Give away all that you have.' He does not require that degree of perfection from everyone, but He does say to everyone: 'Do not be attached to possessions.' God cannot establish His rule in a heart that is attached to the passing things of earth."

(From The Imitation of Mary)


Father Andrew Haggerty

"The idea that contemplation could be at one's personal disposal and available on demand is an obvious misconception. The only proper expectation is that the soul's yearning to love God has come from God and cannot be fruitless. A soul becomes contemplative on the condition that it takes seriously a need in love to give itself in a complete surrender to God."

(From The Contemplative Hunger)


 Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo

"Amid the disharmony of our chaotic lives, the rosary is the instrument, the harp or the psaltery with its ten chords, for each group of harmonies. With the Rosary we continually raise a song of love from earth."

(From  Champions of The Rosary)