Eucharistic Reflection - The Silence of the Eucharist
dilute your love in an unceasing flow of words? Why destroy the charm of
intimate communings with Him by childish loquacity? May the silence of the
Eucharist teach you silent recollection! But, while your lips are still, let
your eyes speak. Yes, tell it all to Jesus with a long gaze full of adoration,
love, and pleading. Put all your tenderness in that look,
all your desires, your sorrows, your disillusions - in a word, your whole soul.
Stir up your faith and seek the eyes of Jesus through the Eucharistic veils.
May His gaze and yours meet, be united, and form together one and the same
light and one and the same fire of love. Why do you look for more? Ask Him only
to deign to look upon you. Tell Him with entire confidence: 'Look upon me and
have mercy on me' (Ps 118:132). Remembering that, as soon as Jesus had looked
on that young man who came to Him, He loved him, fear not to tell Him also:
'Look upon me and … love me!'
(The Holy Eucharist - Jose Guadalupe Trevino)