Pondering Tidbits of Truth - July 28, 2022
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
Dom Jean Baptiste Chautard, O.C.S.O.
“It is impossible to meditate upon the consequences of the dogma of the Real Presence, of the Sacrifice of the Altar and of Communion, without being led to the conclusion that Our Lord wanted to institute this Sacrament in order to make it the center of all action, of all loyal idealism, of ever apostolate that could be of any real use to the Church. If our whole Redemption gravitates about Calvary, all the graces of the mystery flow down upon us from the Altar. And the gospel worker who does not draw all his life from the Altar utters only a word that is dead, a word that cannot save souls, because it comes from a heart that is not sufficiently steeped in the Precious Blood.”
(From The Soul of the Apostolate)
The Journal of a Priest at Prayer
“I have not set bishops over my flock to govern and to teach and to sanctify out of their personal abilities and by making use of the wisdom of this passing world. I have set them as lights upon a lamp stand to shine in every dark place and I have equipped them with supernatural gifts and divine power to accomplish that for which I chose them and set them over My Church.
Woe to those bishops who trust in purely human solutions to the problems that beset My Church. They will be grievously disappointed, and many souls will fall away because they have neglected to take up the supernatural weapons I have prepared for them in this time of spiritual combat.”
(An excerpt from In Sinu Jesu cited in I Thirst For Your Love)
Dan Burke
“A common tactic of the enemy with respect to desolation is to try to draw us out of the present moment, where we are and where God is, into the future or the past in order to disable or discourage us in our holy or healthy aspirations. The evil one does this in two ways, depending upon our makeup, tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. If you are a past-oriented person, the tactic will often be to remind you of your past sins, weaknesses and failures in order to convince you that you can't possibly move forward with your plans to honor God or to do some good. If you are a future-oriented person or someone prone to worry about the future, you will likely face visions of failure and scenarios that seek to persuade you that you are not able to move forward with your project and that you should abandon it.”
(From Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits)