Pondering Tidbits of Truth - April 21, 2022
Venerable Louis of Granada, O.P.
“Reason and experience clearly prove that the happiness we seek is to be found only in God. Is it not madness to seek it elsewhere? ‘Go where you will,’ says Saint Augustine, ‘visit all lands, but you will not find happiness until you go to God’.”
(From The Sinner’s Guide)
Venerable Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz
"When you pray, you only have to ask for two things: You should ask for the light to see the will of God, and you have to ask for the courage to be able to do the will of God."
(From Priest and Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz by Kevin Wells)
Peter Kreeft, Ph.D.
“The Good News is not just that God loves us but that He is crazy in love with us. Us, who are not only stupid and shallow and silly but morally insane (that is, immorally insane), who choose the fearful over the cheerful, the misery of selfishness over the joy of selflessness, despite our universal experience of the results of that experiment."
(From Doors in the Walls of the World)