Monday Musings - Don't Starve Your Soul!

Our souls must be nourished with the Word of God (Sacred Scripture) and the wondrous fruits from the treasure trove of the Church’s spiritual reading. If we neglect to feed our soul, it will meet with the same fate as a neglected body – death – eternal death – and at a time known only to God.

Am I exaggerating?

Not according to St. Alphonsus Liguori, who warned us: “Without good books and spiritual reading, it will be morally impossible to save our souls.”

Pondering Tidbits of Truth Volume VI will prevent spiritual malnutrition - one quotation at a time.

To give you a sense of what you will find in this book, here is a sample:

[52]   Father Jacques Philippe

We can’t transform ourselves or effect our own conversion: only God’s grace can reach the extremity of our weakness. In faithfulness to the gospel – and also that we don’t weigh down others with a burden we can’t carry ourselves – we must understand that Christianity is not a religion of human effort but of grace. That doesn’t mean we should do nothing, but we should see our efforts in context. We strive not to exercise human power but to open ourselves to grace. And an essential condition for opening ourselves to the grace of the Holy Spirit is to be free of all forms of pride, so as to become little and humble before God.

(From Fire & Light – Learning to Receive the Gift of God)


PAUSE AND PONDER: Do I ever ask God to make me lowly and humble? Or to remove from me all that is sinful and harmful in His sight? Or to bridge the great chasm I have created between what I profess to believe and how I actually live my life?


Pondering Tidbits of Truth Volume VI is a book you will use over and over. It will provide you with much fruit for contemplation.

Don't take my word: Look at what two other readers had to say:

You can get your copy here.