Pondering Tidbits Of Truth - December 30, 2021
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time. Johann Tauler, O.P. “There was once someone who loved our Lord very dearly and to him our Lord offered His divine kiss. But this soul said: ‘No, truly, dear Lord, this is not what I want at all. If I were to be taken out of myself in rapture, I could not be of anymore use to You. How could I then pray for all Your poor souls to help them out of purgatory? How could I pray for miserable sinners?’ It is up to us who are still on earth to help sinners and the souls who cannot help themselves. God cannot do anything for them without our help, because His justice must be perfectly satisfied. So those who love Him and are still on earth must constantly labor for this. Could anyone ask for a greater love of God than that man showed, depriving himself from divine favors from this motive?” (From Spiritual Conferences ) ...