Eucharistic Reflection - Come Before The Blessed Sacrament

"It is wonderful, my Lord, to be alone in my cell and converse there with You in the silence of the night - and You are there as God, and by Your grace. But to stay in my cell when I could be before  the Blessed Sacrament - why, it would be as though St. Mary Magdalene had left You on Your own when You were at Bethany to go and think about You alone in her room! 

(Photo©Michael Seagriff)

It is a precious and devout thing, O God, to go and kiss the places You made holy during Your life on earth - the stones of Gethsemane and Calvary, the ground along the Way of Sorrows, the waves of the Sea of Galilee - but to prefer it to the tabernacle would be to desert the Jesus living beside me, to leave Him alone, going away to venerate dead stones in places where He is no longer. It would be to leave the room He is in - and with it His divine companionship - to go kiss the floor of a room He was in, but is in no longer. To leave the tabernacle to go and venerate statues would be to leave the Jesus living at my side to go into another room to greet His portrait."

(Blessed Charles de Foucauld from Charles de Foucauld: Writings)