Eucharistic Reflection - Let Us Go To The Most Holy Sacrament

“There are three things which cast my small understanding into an abyss of astonishment. The first is that the times and moments of our lives, being given to us to trade for the blessedness of a sweet eternity - this is the least of our thoughts. Further, without reflection about the brevity of our days, we do not realize that upon leaving this life we will be required to give an account for our smallest vanities. What will the soul who has spent its life among creatures do at that meeting? O dreadful misfortune! (Photo by Sylvain Brison on Unsplash ) The second thing which astounds me is that we live, breathe, are moved, and act within and in God, and meanwhile we are not at all focused on His presence and we live the majority of the time as if there were no God, without respect, without love, and without fear of His Majesty which is present. The third is that having Jesus Christ really and truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament and, where He is, all three divine Pe...