Eucharistic Reflection - He Calls Us and Pursues Us

The heavenly host of angels cannot believe the ingratitude we sinful souls demonstrate to our ever-Present, loving, merciful and forgiving Lord:  

"For centuries, I have carried in My Heart a sorrowful cross. How many souls are there redeemed by My Blood, yet, definitely lost! Although destined to be consumed in the fires of My Love, they have already fallen by thousands into the terrible and avenging flames. Yet they belonged to Me!

Photo©Michael Seagriff

Listen to them. From the depths of hell, they curse the crib of Bethlehem, My poverty, and My appeals to the World. They curse the blood-stained Cross imprinted on their conscience. They curse My Church which offered them the treasures of Redemption. They curse My Eucharist, they who would have spent eternity in bliss if they had been nourished by the bread of immortality, which I offer them in the Blessed Sacrament.

Yet how many of these unfortunate souls like you came to kneel at My feet but afterwards, yielding to the world, chose for themselves their hell.

I called them constantly, I pursued them, I embraced them with the tenderness of a God, but one day they broke their chains, they pulled themselves violently away from My embrace, and in their mad frenzy, chose a sinful gratification at the price of endless woe!

At this very moment, they curse Me with a curse that will now be eternal! And, sorrow of sorrows, they were Mine! It was especially because of them, at the sight of their irrevocable loss, that My Heart was breaking in the Garden of Gethsemane, for they were all My children!

Look beloved souls! From the intensity of this unspeakable anguish, the Wound in My Heart is open and will remain open, yes, open, that you who love Me may find there superabundant life, a Heaven. Life eternal.

 (Twenty Holy Hours - Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.)


[Excerpted from Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections)