Book Review - Raising a Purposeful and Goal Oriented Child by Robert Newberry

Want Your Children to Be Successful in Life? Read this book!

Writing a book that others will want to read and benefit from is a challenging task. To succeed in doing so three consecutive times is an extraordinary publishing achievement. In scripting Raising a Purposeful and Goal Oriented Child, author Robert Newberry has done just that.

Like the two volumes in this series that preceded this current gem (Green Beans and Legacies: Reflections for Raising Successful Children and and Becoming Your Child’s First and Most Important Teacher) this short, but life-altering book, lays out a clear path for parents to follow if they desire to raise well-rounded and successful children.

In his unique and entertaining style, Newberry utilizes the image and operation of a sailboat to “teach children how to build a successful life”. He equips parents to “teach their children how to successfully use the rudder of his or her sailboat to become purposeful, goal-oriented and positively motivated”. This author achieves his goal by contrasting Nine Winning Practices with Nine Losing Practices. In the process, he shares stories that you will long remember – Leland Pond and Fleas, Elephants, and Muggsy Bogues were my favorites.

I found it difficult to put this book down. It is a quick read, packed with sound, tested and practical advice and compelling stories. This book will be one that you will re-read many times – and hopefully share with those you love.

Raising a Purposeful and Goal Oriented Child is a book every parent and everyone one who works with and cares about children should read. This is a resource our nation needs as the assault on the traditional family escalates.

I commend this man of faith for gifting us with this work - the fruits of a life-long effort to help parents and children be all that God intended them to be.

You will to.