Eucharistic Reflection - This Reflection Should Make All Of Us Feel Uncomfortable - Very Uncomfortable

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) "The most significant crisis in the Catholic Church [and our world] today, from which all the other problems we are experiencing flow, is the fact that an overwhelming majority of those identifying themselves as Catholic, no longer believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is really, truly and substantially present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament!... The late Apostle of the Eucharist, Father John Hardon, S.J., realized 'that everything, everything , quote EVERTHING of our faith (indeed the virtue of faith itself) depends on our faith in God being really present with us today in both His human and Divine nature, united in His Divine Person in the Holy Eucharist'. Each of us must come to that same realization if we and those around us are to be the holy people God has called us to be... Stop a minute and ponder these Truths. Our God does not need any of us, not even for a millisecond. Yet, as Jesus hung from the cros...