Monsignor Eugene Yennock Has A Message You Must Hear!

(From St. Daniel's Church) I urge you to listen to, and then share, the homily of 95 year old Monsignor Eugene Yennock of Syracuse, New York, a link to which appears at the end of this post. While many lay Catholics, priests and bishops have remained silent during this election cycle, a few courageous souls have stepped forward and taught their family, friends, neighbors and/or flock the Truth - the Truth that binds every living human being. What is that Truth? - that the most preeminent priority issue of our time is abortion - the willful and sinful killing of human life - made even more heinous by selling their dismembered body parts. There is no compelling proportionate reason anyone can offer to justify the physical dismemberment and killing of human life and the selling of those body parts! NONE!!!!!! There is nothing ambiguous about this Truth. It must be proclaimed in every home, city, village, town, and from every pulpit in this nation! This related Truth ...