Pondering Tidbits of Truth - August 6, 2020

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Mother Mectilde of The Blessed Sacrament

“We must be very surprised to see with what boldness people enter churches and we ourselves enter choir, which is a place sanctified by the Presence of God Oh! If we could see the posture of the angels and the saints before the adorable Eucharist, we would not be so bold as to enter without fear, without respect, and without amazement. It is here that we lack faith.”

(From The Mystery of Incomprehensible Love)



Father Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J.

“To avoid the anxieties which may be caused by either regret for the past or fear of the future, here is the rule to follow: The past must be left to God’s measureless mercy, the future to his loving providence; and the present must be given wholly to his love through our fidelity to his grace.”

 (From Abandonment to Divine Providence)


Father Gabriele Amorth

 “Some years, a friend from Brescia, Father Faustino Negrini, was doing an exorcism near the small sanctuary of Our Lady of the Star and asked the demon: ‘Why do you have such a terror of the Virgin Mary?’ He heard his response through the demoniac: ‘Because she is the most humble of all, and I am the most proud; because she is the most obedient and I am the most rebellious (toward God); and because she is the most pure and I am the vilest’.”

(From The Devil Is Afraid Of Me)




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