
Showing posts from May, 2020

Eucharistic Reflection - He Comes Disguised

                                                                                                (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) “After having received the Lord, since you have the Person Himself present, strive to close the eyes of the body and open those of the soul and look into your heart. For I tell you again, and would like to tell you many times, that you should acquire the habit of doing this every time you receive Communion and strive to have such a conscience that you will be allowed to enjoy this blessin...

Monday Musings - No Catholic Should Fear Returning to Church and Receiving Holy Communion

Help this simple soul out! (Photo©Michael Seagriff) Catholic Churches are unique from every other place of worship or building in the world because it is only in Catholic Churches that Jesus is truly, substantially and physically present and it is only in Catholic Churches where He gives us His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to eat and to drink. Why have we been so hesitant to proclaim this Truth? If there was ever a moment to give witness to this Truth, to shout It from the rooftops, to rely on It and to share It with the world (especially among those Catholics who no longer believe that He dwells among us), now is that time. What an opportunity we have missed! Certainly, a God Who lives among us, Who commands us to come worship Him, and Who feeds us His Flesh and Blood (both of which are contained in the consecrated and Sacred Host), cannot and will not, allow us to contract or spread an illness by obeying His directions. That would be totally contrary to His Divine...

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - May 21, 2020

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of pro viding nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to ti me. Catherine de Heuck Doherty, Servant of God "It is understood that since the reason for entering the poustinia is one of listening to God in prayer and fasting, the first act of the poustinik is to fold the wings of his intellect and open the doors of his heart. The Russians would say: Put your head into your heart and try to achieve a deep and profound interior silence. It is then, when one is deeply silent, that God begins to speak." (From Poustinia - Encountering God in Silence, Solitude and Prayer) St. Augustine "We are praising God now, assembled as we are here in church; but when we go our various ways again, it seems as if we cease to praise God. But provided we do not cease to live a good life, we shall always be praising God. You cease to praise God only when you swerve from justice and from what is pleasing to God. If ...