
Showing posts from April, 2020

Missing Our Eucharistic Lord? Look At What Has Been Said About Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections

This book accomplished what author Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and reflections on the Eucharist--our source and summit and surest Love. I can't wait to get to Adoration!...“Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gem with me. I feel like every single Catholic should read it and have a copy and then share it with someone who isn’t and then we would be all set in this world. Such richness here and it stirs up so much in the soul. Anne Costa   Stirring Slumbering Souls is an eloquent treasury of Eucharistic reflections which you will enjoy reading over and over again. I read the reflections during Eucharistic adoration and just before bedtime. They were comforting, peaceful, insightful, and gave me a new appreciation and love for the Eucharist. I highly reco...

St. Catherine of Siena - A Hidden Gem - A Valued Guide - A Source of Wisdom

Today we Dominicans joyfully remember our beloved sister, St. Catherine of Siena.  (Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) What a treasure St. Catherine of Siena is! One does not become a Doctor of the Church by being fearful to express, teach and live God's Truth in its entirety.  How ill-advised we are to discount, ignore or try to nuance the wisdom God has shared over the centuries through such faithful servants as she.  Less likely would we be to commit this error if our primary concern was the salvation of souls. No wonder those who wish to only tickle our ears and destroy our consciences ignore these great spiritual writers, abandoning God's Truth for a less demanding and counterfeit one. The following words  Jesus shared with St. Catherine in the 14th century are clear and unambiguous directions to his shepherds - not only those living then but for those among us today. May we and they be given the grace, humility and wisdom to hear and f...

Eucharistic Reflection - Ask This of Our Lord

Photo©Michael Seagriff “Why does our Lord come to us in Communion? To visit us, certainly; but since He remains within us, He still has something else to do there. He comes to implant His virtues in our soul and make them grow, to form Himself in us, to mold us in His image. He comes to accomplish our education in the divine life within us, in such a way that He increases in us as we increase in Him, until we have reached full growth in the perfect man, that is Himself, Jesus Christ. Consider the state of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Do you see Him there? Yet, He is there. Only the angels see His outward life, however. We see nothing of it, and nevertheless we believe. He does live there, as we believe in the sun even when clouds hid it from us, as we believe in the labor of nature though it is entirely imperceptible to our senses. All this is evidence to us that the external life is not the only one, but that there is also an invisible life, a life which ...