MERRY CHRISTMAS! [What follows is my annual Christmas message to the Adorers at St. Agatha's. I hope it will also resonate in the hearts of my readers] “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us”. - John 1:14 As we begin our nineteenth year of Adoration, we give thanks to our Loving Lord for the Gift of His Presence here among us. How blessed we are to spend time with Him, sometimes by ourselves and, from time to time, with other silent, prayerful Adorers. Like the lowly Shepherds and the foreign Wise Men who first paid Him homage, we too come to adore the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As we kneel in front of our Precious Savior, embraced by this priceless Monstrance, blessed by our late Holy Father, St. John Paul II, we are gazing upon the very same Jesus who took on human flesh and walked this earth, albeit concealed in the Sacred Host. Right before our very eyes is: ...