Monday Musings - Sacrilegious Communions and Lack of Belief in the Real Presence

The internet is filled with countless laments over the Pew Research Center’s recent findings that only 26 per cent of Catholics under the age of 40 believe that Jesus is really, truly and substantially present in the Eucharist. This is not news. 

This loss of belief in our Lord’s physical Presence among us is long-standing. In fact, one of the primary reasons I began blogging in 2010 was to address this pressing concern by seeking to promote belief in, reverence for, and awe and amazement of the Holy Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration. 

Unfortunately, far too many of our Bishops and priests, whose duty it is to assure our Lord the reverence He deserves and to save souls, have been reluctant to do so.

I have written much on this subject. If you are interested you can read a sample of my prior posts here and here.

There are many reasons why so many claiming to be Catholic no longer believe in our Lord’s Real Presence. Today, I will limit myself to one simple observation – the explicit or silent encouragement of Catholic public figures in an objective state of mortal sin and Catholics who only attend Sunday Mass at Christmas or Easter, to receive our Lord in Holy Communion.

Why would anyone who cares about the salvation of souls ever encourage or silently acquiesce to such sinful conduct? Why has there been a reluctance to address this issue? Why have so many of our shepherds been unwilling to stand up and protect our Lord from such sacrilegious and sinful conduct?

It is reported that St. Margaret of Cortona asked Jesus why He would ask her if she really believed He was her Lord and God? May His response to this simple soul’s question help us recognize the anguish the sacrilegious conduct highlighted in the previous paragraph actually causes Him.

“Because, My child, to most men I am dead, as far as they make Me so. I live by grace in very few. They offend Me so greatly that if I forget that I, the true God, came to suffer for them, surely, I would hiss them away from My presence when they come to communicate [with Me]. For such is the horror of their sins. When they receive me unworthily [in Holy Communion] they again crucify Me and cause Me to drink a more bitter cup than that which the Jews offered Me.

But as I permitted the Jews to take hold of Me and drag me through the city to Calvary, I now also suffer injury from those who receive Me without devotion and who handle Me irreverently….

Woe to souls who do not stop offending Me and yet presume to receive My Body. It will go hard for them at their judgment.”
(From A Tuscan Penitent: The Life and Legend of St. Margaret of Cortona)


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