Book Review - The Q & A Guide to Mental Prayer- Kindle Edition by Connie Rossini - A Gem of a Book!

Prayer is the primary method by which we establish a real and loving relationship with our Lord – wherein we talk to Him and He with us – one heart to another.  Prayer takes on many forms and serves a number of diverse purposes. Sometimes we use the words of others, sometimes our own and on other occasions we simply listen to the silent promptings that stir our souls.

But prayer can become complicated and even unsettling. What is mental prayer? What is contemplative prayer? How does one progress from one form of prayer to another? How would one know which contemporary prayer models, even those popular among Catholics, are not really authentic forms of prayer?

Many of us - prayer novices and veterans alike - are searching for answers to these and a myriad of other questions. Nearly everyone can use guidance as to how to pray, how to discern what they experience during prayer and how to know if it is really God who is speaking to their hearts. Some may not know where to turn for accurate answers to questions they may have and/or know what authentic prayer resources and authors they should consult. 

Thankfully, author, Connie Rossini’s latest book, The Q & A Guide to Mental Prayer, is a concise, sound and reliable guidebook and resource for those seeking answers to questions about prayer, especially mental prayer. I have no doubt readers of this little gem will soon discover or reinvigorate a path toward a richer and more fulfilling prayer life.

This book is a resource all Catholics should have and one whose readers will frequently pick up and use not only for their own spiritual benefit but to help others who might have questions about prayer. In fact, while reading an advance copy of The Q & A Guide to Mental Prayer, I was able to answer a very specific question posed to me by an acquaintance by referring to one answer among the 125 questions Connie answers in her book.

The author has a gift to bring the truths and spiritual treasures of our Catholic faith to life. Her Carmelite spirituality and life of study, prayer and teaching have prepared her well for the work she has done.

I highly recommend this book to everyone and thank Connie Rossini for this great gift. It is available for pre-order on Kindle here.