Worth Revisiting - Wanted: Lepers and Prophets

Thank you, Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for hosting Worth Revisiting each week. It is a privilege to share our work with you and your followers . I would like to share the following post: Wanted: Lepers and Prophets (Originally published 8/13/18) Few people warm up to lepers or prophets. That is most unfortunate. (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) In Jesus’ time, lepers were shunned. Rarely would they show themselves in public and when they did so they kept their distance from the rest of the community – warning those nearby of their diseased presence by their voices and/or by ringing bells. What great courage and faith it took for them to seek Jesus out. They knew He was the source of mercy, forgiveness, healing and eternal life. They begged Him to have mercy on them and cleanse them physically. Jesus, defying the norms of His day, not only app...