Pondering Tidbits of Truth - April 18, 2019

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

"The executioners expected Jesus to cry, for everyone pinned to the gibbet of the Cross had done it before Him. Seneca wrote that those who were crucified cursed the day of their birthday, the executioners, their mothers, and even spat on those who looked upon them. Cicero recorded that at times it was necessary to cut out the tongues of those who were crucified to stop their terrible blasphemies. Hence the executioners expected a word, but not the kind of word that they heard...Like some fragrant trees which bathe in perfume the very axe which gashes them, the great Heart on the Tree of Love poured out from its depths something  less than a cry than a prayer - the soft, low prayer of pardon and forgiveness."

(From The Life of Christ)

Ven. Cardinal Nguyen Von Thuan

"Kneeling before your tabernacle, Lord, I hear you repeating to me, Love your neighbor as yourself! I understand what you demand of me, Lord. When I go back over my life, I see clearly how I have not yet loved anyone as I love myself. I have not yet really put your word into practice; I have loved others, but less than myself. Nevertheless, I sometimes flattered myself that I was living charitably and that I was one of your authentic disciples!...It is not enough to give a few coins or to help victims of natural disasters with used clothing. I must treat my brothers and sisters as my right hand treats my left hand when it is hurt."

(From Prayers of Hope:Words of Courage

Father Anthony J. Paone, S.J. 

[Jesus to a listening soul:] "I shall estimate your worth by your humility and by your charity. I shall look to see whether you think too much of yourself, or whether you prefer My Will. I shall consider whether you seek My honor and glory in your daily activities, or whether you seek your own advantage and honor."

(From My Daily Bread)