Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 31, 2019

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Saint Raphael Kalinowski

“Devotion to the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament was, and still is, for me a source of patience, perseverance, refuge and consolation; literally, the very spring of my life. Without this mystery of our Savior’s love, which He has left for us in the Church, I would have perished long since.”

(From catholicstormroom,com)

St. Thomas of Villanova

“From it [humility] spring obedience, holy fear, reverence, patience, modesty, mildness, and peace; for, whoever is humble easily obeys all, fears to offend any, maintains peace with all, shows himself affable to all, is submissive to all, does not offend or displease any, and does not feel the insults which may be inflicted upon him. He lives happy and contented, and in great peace.” 

(From Cultivating Virtue – Self-Mastery With The Saints)

Saint Romuald of Ravenna

“Better to sing one Psalm with feeling, than to recite a hundred with a wandering mind. But if you haven’t yet received the grace of singing from your heart, do not give up hope. Be constant in your practice, and one day He who gave you the desire for the prayer of the heart will give you that prayer itself."

                  (From This Mystery of Romuald and the Five Brothers: Stories from the Benedictines & Camaldolese)