Worth Revisiting - There Is No Reason to Lose This War
Thank you Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb and Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You for hosting Catholic bloggers at Worth Revisiting. We appreciate sharing our work with you and your readers each week. Stop by for a visit now.
May you find something of value in what follows:
Monday Musings - There Is No Reason to Lose This War
(Originally posted on June 4, 2018)
Satan's battle plan for some time has
been clear, obvious and unambiguous to anyone who has eyes to see and
ears to hear - to destroy the Catholic priesthood, its Liturgy and the
For the most part, he has succeeded
beyond his wildest expectation - although his victory is but a
temporary, albeit extremely painful, one. But how many souls have been
and will be lost until God has had enough and finally destroys Satan and
his countless minions? Too many. And tragically not enough in positions
of authority seem to care.
Ask Catholics what is the purpose of
their Church and few, very few, will know that it exists for the
salvation of souls, not for correcting social or economic injustices.
Our Church must assist its members to know, love and serve God in this
world so that they can spend eternity with Him in next - to help form us
into saints.
That can only happen by God' grace and
through His Sacraments, most especially through the Eucharist which must
be the source, summit and center of all that we do. Satan knows these
Truths and relishes in his success in hiding them from so many souls.
He is ecstatic that we have, for the
most part, lost the sense of the Sacred within our Church buildings and
in the manner in which we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He is no
doubt thrilled that so very few bother to participate in Mass on
Sundays and holy days of obligation or go to confession. He is certainly
satisfied with the damage caused by the priestly sex-abuse scandals. He
has to be pleased with the dearth of priestly vocations. And he is
thrilled beyond measure to see that so few claiming to be Catholic still
believe that Jesus is really, truly and substantially present in the
Blessed Sacrament!
How has the Evil One been able to deceive so many? What follows is as succint and accurate an explanation as you will ever find:
No doubt this post will make some uncomfortable. Truth has a tendency to do that. Thankfully.